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Mathematical modelling of binge drinking from social interactions
Expositor : Dr. Rodrigo Gutiérrez
Institución: Universidad Católica del Maule, Faculty of Ciencias Básicas, Departament of Mathematics, Physics and Statistics, Applied Mathematical Modelling, Doctoral program, Talca, Chile
Fecha : Miércoles 02 de junio de 2021
Lugar : Zoom meeting (ID 893 8115 0332, Password 384736)
Hora : 19:00 PM-20:00 PM (Santiago Time).
In Chile, two surveys are regularly applied with the objective of knowing the consumption patterns of tobacco,
alcohol, and drugs both in the general population and in the school population. Regarding drinking patterns an excessive alcohol consumption or binge drinking in the 15 − 24 year-old population has been observed. On average, the intake slightly exceeds 80 grams of pure alcohol per day (gr/d), equivalent to eight alcoholic drinks per day according to the World Health Organization concentrated on just 1.6 days a week. Accordingly, from a phenomenological approach, we formulate a compartmental mathematical model based on impulsive differential equations at fixed moments of impulsive effect to describe the interconnections among individuals on three groups, according to the addiction status status of alcohol consumption: social or low risk (< 20 gr/d), excessive chronic or high risk (20 − 60 gr/d), and excessive episodic or circumstantial (> 60 gr/d). On this talk, the emphasis is on the modelling process, interdisciplinary work, and the need to address issues of local interest using mathematical modeling as a research methodology.